Happy New Year! Are you trying to conceive and looking to make some changes in the New Year? You’re in the right place!
Although any time of year is the right time to choose your health and happiness, the New Year is a perfect time to make resolutions to improve your health, happiness, and fertility!
Here’s the good news- improving your fertility is all about making you HAPPIER and HEALTHIER. This means that any of these resolutions you make will be part of your path to becoming happier and healthier overall.
Why wouldn’t you want to make them? If you can, make ALL of them! If you can’t, pick a few and get started!
*If you’ve already been working on these, I have some advanced options at the bottom of the post!

Ten New Year’s Fertility Resolutions!
- Eliminate fertility-harming toxins from your lifestyle! Did you know that a number of chemicals found in your personal care items and cleaning products are linked to infertility and miscarriage? Go through your house and get rid of anything with the most offensive fertility-harming toxins: BPA, Phthalates, Parabens, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Pesticides, Triclosan & Nonstick pans. These are shown to increase the time to pregnancy and increase the risk of miscarriage. Switch to safe, non-toxic products. Here is my mega-list of non-toxic products for your home. My favorite safe brand for make-up, skin care, and hair care is Beautycounter and you can read about my personal non-toxic skincare routine here! You can read all about the science behind these toxins and their links to miscarriage and infertility in this post!
- Overhaul your diet! If you haven’t already fully committed to the evidence-backed Fertility Diet that got me pregnant TWICE, then consider committing completely. Go for the gold- an organic, non-processed, clean diet filled with lots of healthy proteins and fats, and a limited amount of healthy carbs! If you can’t, then choose something to give up to that can hurt fertility- sugar, caffeine, alcohol, dairy, gluten, soy, trans fats, or processed foods. You can do it! Don’t cheat! Your body will thank you!
- Track your macros! If you are already fully committed to the diet, consider upping your game by tracking your macros to get the ideal ratio of protein/fat/carbs for fertility, according to recent research!
- Make a Smoothie! Commit to a daily fertility smoothie and have your hubby commit to the daily male fertility smoothie! Make sure you aren’t putting potentially fertility-harming foods like bananas or raw spinach in your daily smoothie– if you didn’t realize these might be harmful, read why here!
- Start Meditating! Create a fertility mind-body practice, or add something new to your existing one. Get yourself a Circle & Bloom fertility meditation/visualization program, sign up for a Fertile Heart teleconference series, develop a Gratitude Practice, buy yourself the Restoring Fertility Yoga DVD (the best!), overhaul your prayer practice, and above all, commit to visualization/meditation EVERY SINGLE DAY of 2019!!
- Have more sex! Daily sex increases your chances of getting pregnant, and if you use it as an excuse to spice things up in the bedroom, you can wind up improving your relationship! If you’re struggling to have sex, make figuring this out a priority.
- Simplify your life. The universe knows if you are too busy for a baby. Figure out what activities you can ditch from your schedule to make life easier, smoother, and simpler. Sometimes, we get so busy we don’t have time to get pregnant! Take this January as a chance to overhaul your schedule and simplify, simplify, simplify.
- Filter your water! I can’t emphasize this enough! If you aren’t already filtering your water, it is time to start! Read my whole post on WHY this is so important and WHICH filters are great, or just buy the one we use and recommend here! This is a simple resolution you can just DO and be done with!
- Don’t take too many pills– but take the right ones! Overhaul your fertility supplements to make sure you aren’t overdoing it and you are getting the best quality possible!
- Make a baby journey plan. If you are endlessly pursuing one kind of baby-making- natural, IUI, IVF, or other, MAKE A PLAN with your partner that limits the time you spend on each part of your journey, saves you money and emotional pain, and gets you to baby faster. Read my full post on Managing Infertility Like a Boss here and start making your plan!
Advanced Fertility Resolutions!
- Hire a Functional Medicine Team. If you are too overwhelmed, or need more help, consider hiring a functional doctor or team to do root cause testing and develop a plan complete with tailored diet and supplements. My favorite is Dr. Sarah Mathis, a functional doctor whom I’ve worked with on gut testing and healing my fatigue. She is AWESOME. Follow her on Instagram, and book a free call with her! If you have high FSH or low AMH, check out Sarah Clark of FabFertile. She does couples coaching that includes functional testing to determine optimal diet and supplements. Check out her free Guide on How to Get Pregnant with Low AMH or High FSH or book a free Discovery Call with her team! I am also a big fan of the Natural Fertility Prescription Program. It also is a full program that includes extensive testing and tailored advice coupled with 1:1: coaching. It is run by a Naturopath doctor out of Switzerland named Iva Keene. If you are interested, you can grab her free report on Restoring Fertility Naturally to see if her style meshes with yours! If you’re interested, reply to her emails and ask for a free call!
- Do an elimination diet. The fact is that my ideal fertility diet might not be ideal for YOU. This is especially important if you have many health issues or anything autoimmune related. Consider a Whole30, the Autoimmune Protocol Diet (AIP), or an elimination guided by a fertility coach!
Already doing all these? Hungry for more? Check out my 79 Things I did to get Happy, Healthy, and Pregnant, to see my full list of lifestyle changes I made to increase my fertility!
Baby dust everyone!!! Leave a comment and let us know what you are committing to!!
Want to get pregnant fast?
Love lists? Me too. Grab my 79 Things I did to transform my life and get pregnant in less than 3 months after 2 years of infertility and miscarriages! Totally free!
Anna Rapp is a fertility journalist and non-toxic living expert. When Anna Rapp was struggling with infertility and recurrent early miscarriage, she was diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve, High FSH, low AMH, low follicle count, endometriosis, and an MTHFR mutation. Despite being told donor eggs were her only solution, Anna used her graduate training in research methods and analysis to read everything she could find on fertility and egg health. Ultimately, she lowered her FSH and got pregnant naturally (twice). She blogs about how she did it and encourages her readers to take charge of their fertility journey and get happy, healthy, and pregnant!
Hi Anna
Loved reading this post. Congratulations on your second miracle!!! You are a rock star !!! Wishing you a healthy and beautiful pregnancy.
Anna Cail
Hi Anna,
I’ve been very inspired by reading your blog! But I wonder how your life was before the lifestyle change. Like how much caffeine, sugar, processed food, fast food, etc. did you consume? And did you exercise and took supplements before the big change? Asking because I’m already fairly healthy and exercise, but can also up my game some places.
Thank you for giving hope!