Looking for a prayer to St. Nicholas for a child? You’ve come to the right place, whether you are trying to conceive a child, or you are praying for your child.
When I was trying to get pregnant, I started researching fertility saints. I was surprised to find that since St. Nicholas is the Patron Saint of Children, he is included in the list! It makes sense though- Saint Nicholas is a serious do-gooder, gift-giver, and he is the patron saint of children!
Maybe his general acknowledgement and veneration stems from the fact that his secret gift-giving was the inspiration for our modern understanding of Santa Claus. Growing up, however, I actually thought of them as two separate special gift-givers.
Trying to Conceive? See my post on fertility prayers for Catholics!

Table of Contents
Celebrating St. Nicholas Day
My parents raised my brother and I to celebrate the feast of St. Nicholas on December 6th in a very special way. The night before St. Nicholas Day we would leave our shoes outside our bedroom door, and in the morning we would have little gifts from good old St. Nick.
Some people also leave out carrots or hay in their shoes for St. Nicholas’ donkey to eat. I love having special Advent traditions like this to make the whole month preceding Christmas Day more special!
Who was St. Nicholas?
Nicholas was born in the third century in what is now Turkey (it was Greece then). His wealthy parents died when he was young and he used his entire inheritance to take care of the hungry, sick, and poor. He became a Bishop while still a young man and was known especially for his charity and kindness to children.
Saint Nicholas was a 4th Century Greek Bishop and is an important saint not only to Catholics but to the Eastern Orthodox as well. Other religions that acknowledge St. Nicholas include Anglicanism, Baptist, Oriental Orthodoxy, Lutheranism, and Methodism.
In fact, Saint Nicholas is considered the Greek Orthodox Saint of Fertility, along with Saints Joachim & Anna.
How did he inspire Santa Claus? Well the stories of his life include lots of secret gift giving. Like, throwing a bag of gold through the window overnight. He always did his good needs in secret with no hope of being rewarded in return. There are also many stories of him protecting and rescuing children.
In many countries in Europe St. Nicholas’s day is the primary day for gift giving during the holidays. Children leave their shoes out (as I did growing up!) and receive small gifts.
St. Nicholas & Infertility at Chistmastime
For those of us challenged with lengthy journeys to our babies, the holidays can be a rough time. We remember the joy and magic we grew up with, and we can’t wait to recreate for children. Instead, we struggle through multiple family gatherings where auntie always asks, “when are you two going to have kids?”
If you’ve shared your “infertility” journey it can be easier, although people might be filled with unhelpful advice (“just relax!” “just adopt!” “have you tried this position . . .?”). If you haven’t shared you might find yourself feeling even more alone as you can’t answer their questions honestly.
The truth is, the holidays can be really hard when you want a baby and it seems like it isn’t happening. BUT, the holidays shouldn’t be that way. They should be filled with joy, excitement, and a reminder that miracles can happen. THAT is the kind of holiday I want for myself and that I want for YOU.
Well, I think its time we asked St. Nicholas for a little help getting through the holiday season. I think we should ask him – on his feast day of December 6th no less- to fill us again with child-like wonder and awe. To grant us faith and trust in God. AND, to bring us a gift- the miracle child we pray for! We don’t know how that child might come to us or when, but boy St. Nick, are we putting our shoes out! Below is an original prayer I’ve written to St. Nicholas to ask for a child. I hope you enjoy it, and I hope you can find the grace and blessing to enjoy this holiday season, and every holiday season. The magic and hope is out there.
I believe that Christmas is a time for miracles, and I hope you do too!
St. Nicholas Prayers
Prayer to St. Nicholas for a Child (at Christmastime) by Anna Rapp
Generous St. Nicholas, you are the joy of little children, and the bearer of sweet gifts.
Please grant me the grace in my heart to be childlike once more.
Grant me the happiness, wonder, and awe, to enjoy the beautiful world that God has gifted us with.
Fill my heart with faith this Advent season, and help me to trust in the journey.
As your feast day prepares us for the Christmas season, so prepare my heart and faith to be strong in my time of waiting.
I ask you, St. Nicholas, for the greatest gift. The gift of a child.
Please place my request before the throne of Jesus, so that he may hear and answer my deepest request.
Continue to intercede on by behalf until my healthy and happy child is in my arms.
Obtain for me the grace to be peaceful and joyful during my waiting.
And, this advent season, bring me in reverence to the Holy Child of Bethlehem.
Prayer to St. Nicholas for Child or Children
God, we pray that through the
intercessions of St. Nicholas
you will guide and protect our children.Keep them safe from all harm
and help them grow to become
loving disciples of Jesus in your sight.Give them strength to always mature
into deeper faith in you,
and to keep alive joy in your creation.Through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
—by Father David R. Engbarth, St. Nicholas Church, Aurora, Illinois
St. Nicholas Prayer
Loving God, we thank you for
the example of St Nicholas,
who fed the hungry,
brought hope to the imprisoned,
gave comfort to the lost,
and taught the truth to all.
May we strive to imitate him
by putting you first in all we do.
Give us the courage, love and strength
of St Nicholas, so that, like him,
we may serve you through loving
our brothers and sisters. Amen.—by Amy Welborn
Novena to St. Nicholas
St. Nicholas, Glorious Confessor of Christ,
assist us in thy loving kindness.
Glorious St. Nicholas,
my special Patron from thy throne in glory,
thou dost enjoy the presence of God,
turn thine eyes in pity upon me
and attain for me from our Lord
the graces and help that I need
in my spiritual and temporal necessities (and especially this favor
provided that it be profitable to my salvation).
Be mindful likewise,
O Glorious and Saintly Bishop,
of our Sovereign Pontiff of our Holy Church
and of all Christian people.
Bring back to the right way of salvation all those who are living steeped in sin,
blinded by darkness of ignorance, error and heresy.
Comfort the afflicted,
provide the needy.
Strengthen the fearful,
defend the oppressed,
give health to the infirm.
Cause all [people] to experience the effects
of thy powerful intercession
with the supreme giver
of every good and perfect gift. Amen.Say 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, and 1 Glory Be.
Pray for us, Oh Blessed Nicholas,
that we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us Pray,
O God who has glorified Blessed St. Nicholas,
thine illustrious Confessor and Bishop,
by means of countless signs and wonder,
and who does not cease daily so to glorify him ,
grant we beseech thee,
that we, being assisted by his merits and prayers,
be delivered from the fires of hell
and from all dangers through Christ our Lord.
from the St. Nicholas Center
Anna Rapp is a fertility journalist and non-toxic living expert. When Anna Rapp was struggling with infertility and recurrent early miscarriage, she was diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve, High FSH, low AMH, low follicle count, endometriosis, and an MTHFR mutation. Despite being told donor eggs were her only solution, Anna used her graduate training in research methods and analysis to read everything she could find on fertility and egg health. Ultimately, she lowered her FSH and got pregnant naturally (twice). She blogs about how she did it and encourages her readers to take charge of their fertility journey and get happy, healthy, and pregnant!
Hi Anna
I loved reading this post. The Holiday season has been difficult for us since the past two years after our miscarriages. It feels like you want to have the Christmas spirit but you still struggle with your feelings. I am going to try and say this prayer to St Nick. Happy Holidays to you and your family.
Angel, I’m so glad you enjoyed the post, and I really hope you can have a holiday season filled with joy and miracle this year!!! – Anna
Wonderful post! Saint Nicholas is such a selfless Saint. I plan on incorporating the prayer to Saint Nicholas in my daily routine for Advent. Thank you for all you do. 🙂
So glad you enjoyed it!! Baby dust to you!!
Please pray for me that I will conceive this june 2019. I will take my pregnancy test this june 25, 2019 and praying that it will be positive. St. Nicholas pray for us!
It’s 2020, but i still love reading your blogs and write-ups and the comments.
May i ask for prayers, i was told to have Zero Sperm. And that me and my wife cannot have a child.
But I’m still hopeful! I believe God will bless us with a child.
I am praying for you Charles! I have heard of miraculous recoveries. Definitely try my smoothie!
Yes, i love those encouragements from you Anna. My husband and i still struggle to have a child. He was told that he has low testosterone. But i hoping and praying for God’s time. As i have faith in God that he says ” For God nothing is impossible” Amen.
Asking God for a miracle child
For my husband and I after trying for 3 years. St Nicholas Pray for us with our fertility and to protect us from the evil one. Just like you gave freely to children I ask my husband and I will share that same love and joy this Christmas 2023. We are asking for your prayers and help!
was wondering when will you be posting the 2025 calendar